Setting Up Your New E-Commerce Website

A Simple Step-by-Step Guide

Disclaimer: It is highly recommeneded to follow this guide while using a desktop computer.
It may be possible to do certain steps while on a mobile device, but the guide is written with the assumption the reader is on a desktop computer.

“An e-commerce site is like a digital salesperson, working for you around the clock, 365 days a year.” – Unknown

Quick List:

(Follow the steps below or click them for more information!)

1.) Click Link, Create Account, Select Plan

There are quite a few different hosting plans on the page. You may just want to start with the ‘Managed Hosting Startup’ or ‘ECommerce Hosting Startup Plan’ and upgrade from there after your store is running.

We find WPEngine’s “Smart Plugin Manager” to be especially useful in ensuring your site is always up-to-date and running as you designed it to, but each of the offered addons have their use cases–make sure to think about your business’s needs!

WPEngine will be the central hub of your website management, so make sure to use information you can easily remember later.

For being an Online Cash Machine VIP Member, you’ll automatically receive a special offer when choosing an annually renewed account. Check that the code “FREEDOMTOCREATE” is shown on the checkout screen to be sure you’re receiving your benefits.

Finalize your account creation and you’re ready to move onto step 2: Account Creation and exploring your new Website Portal!

You may choose a ‘Monthly’ Plan but we LOVE the savings of the ‘Annual’ Plan.